C (195/254)

From:Alastair M. Robinson
Date:16 Apr 00 at 19:28:34
Subject:StormC3.0 Ed slooow

Hi Bart,

>> And even without GFX card (sorry, can't afford one ATM) it works
>> faster than I can type. And I type pretty fast. I have all 256 colors
>> turned on, and it's as fast as I could need, even for larger sources.

> Well, it's slower than a turtle trying to walk backwards here. I can type
> stuff and it'll appear on the screen a second later - not the sort of thing
> a touch-typist likes to see.

Just a thought, but are you using an Amiga 4000/030? As far as I know, the
4000/030 was the only machine to exhibit this, but when software attempts to
access memory which is not physically present (a bus fault), basically the
whole machine pauses for a bit, as it tries desperately to access thin air.
This pause can be turned off by flipping a bit in the Gary chip, but I've
only seen one program that can do this: MCP's Processor/Fast Gary feature.

As an example, on my machine, the following code executes in the blink of
an eye with Fast Gary turned on, but takes about three seconds with it
turned off!

int main()
int i,j;
j=*(int *)0xfffffc00; /* should cause a bus fault - if you have memory
at this address, try a different one! */

If you want a good laugh, try this with a ProTracker module playing!

Anyway, if enabling Fast Gary does fix the slowness, it'd probably be as
well to ask H&P to fix the bus fault.

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson, email:blackfive@fakenhamweb.co.uk
Amiga 4000/030, 18Meg RAM, 4.3Gig HD, Mustek ScanExpress 6000SP
C, Assembler (68k, PIC16C84, ATMEL AVR), PostScript,
ARexx, AMOSPro(!), AmigaDOS

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